

Social network

Your place. Your rules.


Powered by Conectin

There are 1.18 billion websites in the world. Whenever a new company or brand is born, a new website (or shop) hits the NET. So why the hell do we have to all go to just a few social networks? Well, we don't. Just like there are many great online blogs and magazines, there will be many great networks. Build on Conectin platform.


Endless nail inspiration has an online address. RUSCONA Shine is the only global social network designed for nail designers and nail enthusiasts powered by the RUSCONA brand.


The new era of mobily demands a new kind of automotive media. Autelo is an upcoming social network for the world in motion. Dedicated to modern cars and tranposration.

    Build your own social network. NOW

    Do it the same way you build a blog or a website. Become the leading brand and rule your category. Build a social network for your clients, if you are an agency. Or just let your passion for anything grow into something huge.

    * All fiels are required

    The change you can't miss

    Rule the category. Rule the world.

    Let's start with Henry Ford's famous quote: "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is black." Back in the early 20th century, it worked well. When you switch from horses to cars, there is not really much need for endless variations. But people are peculiar individuals. They have lots of different needs and wishes. This is why GM built its success on diversification. So think. How can one (or a few) global networks satisfy the needs of the whole human population?

    Well, they can't. When you try to squeeze the world into one website, you will get an awful mess. This is what we have today. A few global social networks full of people with so many different needs, wishes, opinions, and aspirations. Politicians are fighting for attention with celebrities, brands, and a whole other bunch of people or robots. When you scroll the feed, you see more ads, trash posts, and manipulative content than the information you enjoy. That sucks. But we can change it.

    Key features


    You have probably never thought, that customizing a social network would be so easy. Good news. It is. You can set up colors and lots of other stuff easily on your own.

    iOS and Android

    The smartphone world is bipolar. iOS on one side, Android on the other. And Conectin platform is in the middle. We will serve you with a rich iOS app as well as a tuned Android app.

    Product feeds

    Brands will love this feature. Your customers and fans can easily tag your products in their posts. And if the network is yours, you will get like millions of backlinks and clicks pointing to....you.

    Rich color

    There is one thing you can't do. Change the layout. But there is a bunch of stuff you can customize based on your taste or mostly corporate identity. Like Colors.

    Branded adds
    you CONTROL

    The new era of social networking should be ads thrifty. You don't want beloved users to be drowning in sponsored posts. We give you the tool. It is up to you to use it wisely.

    Powerful analytics
    for growth

    Too much data can kill you. But lack of data can kill you, either. That's why we give you all the data you need for your growth and community management and cut the bullshit.


    We know. The growth. You want it, you need it. Let the growth be. Conectin platform supports automatic translations via DeepL and gives you the power to open new markets quickly.

    1000 Users
    Rough estimated price/year
    More than 100k users? Contact us

      Build your own social network. NOW

      Do it the same way you build a blog or a website. Become the leading brand and rule your category. Build a social network for your clients, if you are an agency. Or just let your passion for anything grow into something huge.

      * All fiels are required