

We are physically located in the heart of Europe, the beautiful land of Czechia, and small but to the core entrepreneurial city of Zlin. You can meet us here or online wherever you want.

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    Conectin s.r.o.
    Pod Strání 751
    760 01 Zlín, Czechia
    Customer support:

    Use the contact form for new network requests and also general inquiries. Or write us an e-mail at

    Most frequent questions

    Please see below the most frequent questions regarding using the platform and thus operating social networks.

    Why new network? We have fans on FB already. Right?

    Wrong. Let's be honest. We are not urging you to slam the table; leave your existing social media accounts behind and focus only on your new network. That would be unwise. But you have to realize one thing. Your fans are, in fact, not yours. You have rented a space on Facebook or Instagram "metaverse," and you are very, very limited in access to your fan base and what you can do about it. You don't own the content; you can't control how many people see your posts, photos, or videos. You are a tenant in a rented space, and your fans and customers are guests you can barely talk to. You can lose everything if you violate the landlord's rules, which can change overnight and sometimes are very unclear. If you are ok with that, then ok. But we are not. We believe that your fans and your customers are yours. You have built a relationship with them, taking care of them, and you have full rights to set up a tone of communication and broadcast what you think is best for them. You also should be able to decide how often they will hear from you and how precious their privacy is to you. We hope a lot. We at Conectin will give you the tools you need to make social networking right.

    How much can I customize my social network?

    Basically, you can play with the colors and some app elements. You cannot change the basic layout and easily add or remove features. But don't panic. We have been examining all existing social networks for years, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. We have been digging deep into their most popular features as well as redundant ones that nobody cares about. All things (almost) that people love on social networking are available on the Conectin platform and thus in your social network. And most of the bad stuff like manipulative algorithms, neverending streams of ads, or trolls is mostly gone. If you take a look at the Instagram or Twitter website, you can strangely find out that design is not the reason you go there. It is up to you to come up with a topic and create an environment that gives the network life.

    Who is best suited for the social network?

    It is up to your imagination. There are literally hundreds or even thousands of topics that deserve their own social network. Or you know what, let's stop talking about the networks and talk about communities. A city or a part of the bit city could be a community. A group of people with the same occupation or interests is a community. Customers of a particular brand are a community. Are you getting it? You can build a network for builders, gardeners, chefs, and dancers, for country or city inhabitants. The options are almost limitless.

    Do you allow anyone to have their social network?

    First and foremost, we deeply love democracy and freedom of speech. That means, as the platform provider, we will not restrict any opinions or groups unless they violate the law. Now, let us use the lawyer-speak a bit. As the EU company and proud Europeans, we are following the fundamental freedom rights that say: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.” But freedom and power also bring some responsibilities. And those are expressed by these sentences: “The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary for a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.” Each democratic country has a different set of restrictions and protection mechanisms. That means anyone can say what he/she/it wants unless it puts someone or something (the whole country) in danger. In Czech law, that danger is expressed like this: “Whoever publicly incites hatred towards a nation, race, ethnic group, religion, class or another group of persons or to limit the rights and freedoms of their members shall be punished by imprisonment for up to two years.” In conclusion, if your intentions are within the boundaries of the law, you are welcome. If you want to express hate and anger publicly, find some other place and platform. You are not welcome.

    How can I monetize my social network?

    Conectin platform comes with three different built-in monetization features. The first is the most boring one. Advertising. You can incorporate ads into the feed and set the advertising position in the feed. The second monetization method is way more innovative. You can upload your product feed and let users tag your product in the posts. This activity generates tons of natural backlinks, thus traffic for your online store and purchases. Last but not least, you can charge your users for a premium account that removes the ads and add some premium features like high-resolution photos. If you come up with your unique monetization technique, it could be implemented if we agree on your deeply customized social network app and website.

    What are the benefits for brands and companies?

    First and foremost, we will give you back control over your social communication channels and broadcasting capabilities. You will decide about communication frequency, display and notifications intensity, level of privacy, registration policy, monetization methods, and so much more. By operating a specialized/dedicated social network, you can rule your category in your area or even worldwide. A specialized runner network in your country or a global one? You will decide. Nike, can you hear us? :). You will naturally generate hundreds of thousands or even millions of backlinks and clicks by uploading your product feed. You can support or even build new communities and change the world. If you want to see how one nail brand is changing the world thanks to Conectin platform, check this case study.

    How do you deal with internet trolls?

    That is no easy topic. We are far from saying we have solved this issue. But are on the path. You can decide on the registration and verification process. If you choose e-mail registration, plus Facebook, and Apple login, and maybe Google as well, the access will be easy and the user base could grow quickly. But you will face the trolls' attacks and you will need a team for content moderation. We are also working on the user verification process through for example Banking identity (EU), which allows only real people to get in.